Saturday, March 7, 2009

Super Cool!

Today was a busy one! I was alone with the MIL and the kiddos today whilst DH went to a concealed handgun class with a couple of his buddies. They had a great time, and we does that happen? I was suffering from an early morning trying to get Mariah back to sleep b/c we couldn't locate a pacifier for her, and then the PMS kicked in. Let's just say that I warned them, but they decided not to heed the warning! Well, actually, we did pretty well, and then MIL decided that she NEEDED to get out.

We drove all the way to Ft. Smith to get a SALAD from the nearest BK by the MALL! Let's just say that 25 miles for a salad is a bit much, but we took the kids to the park while she ate, and I was afforded the opportunity to go get dog food from a reasonably priced location instead of our local feed store. I tried to get a basin for my bird bath, but that was not in the cards.

I still have a couple of loads of laundry to finish this evening, but Chyloh and I got the kitchen all cleaned already. BIG HURDLE THERE! Anyway, I decided NOT to plant potatoes in the back garden b/c we are putting a building in back there, and the bed I was going to use has been taken over by Bermuda grass. So, I put potatoes in pots...I mean buckets. We'll see how that works. I hope I can dump the pots and fish out the potatoes. Maybe I can find a pallet bag to dump them on to make soil reclamation easier. Then I finished the weeding out front so that the dirt would come off the weeds. Once it rains, it will be much harder. Anyway, the rain we're expecting is very welcome. I hope it will get my peas and other early plants up and going.

OK, I have some more photos to share. Bekah was in charge of Mariah this evening, and she always seems to find the funniest ways to keep her occupied. So, here's what she did tonight:

Cool, Daddy-O!

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