Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hello! Welcome to the blog world!

Well, hi there! Welcome to my little blog. I am a part-time teacher/stay-at-home mom with eight "little" girls. My husband and I are pulling our hair out, er, I mean raising these beauties here in lovely Greenwood, AR. We are a minority Catholic family with traditional values. Our children are currently 13 down to 17 months. We have one daughter with Asperger's syndrome, and lots of screams and giggles.

I hope to Blog occassionally to keep my family abreast of our activities. In fact, here's Angelah's piano recital that I couldn't send via email. I'll also try to post a couple of Bekah's band performances once I get them uploaded and edited.

Let me know what you think!

Oh, here's our new puppy!

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