Friday, June 25, 2010

A child is born...

John-Paul Ezekiel Bartok

Well, the big day came a bit early. After convincing myself for over a day that my water had not really broken, I waddled into the hospital and ended up in surgery. I knew I was going to have to have a c-section because John-Paul was in a "Frank breech" position with his little feet up by his ears. However, I didn't plan on him coming so soon. This picture is of him about 12 hours after birth. He had trouble getting a deep breath for a couple of days, but he is now only attached to an IV/heparin lock that is giving him antibiotics once a day plus the required monitors in the NICU. The shiny thing above his diaper is a foil covered sticker that keeps a temperature probe next to his skin so they know if he's getting to warm or too cold on the warming bed. It is heart-shaped and VERY difficult to remove. He has it off as of now, though. After his antibiotic series is finished (a 10-day run) he will get to come home. Right now Tom and I go to the hospital twice a day. We bring breast milk from home and then feed him while we are there.

Oh, I almost forgot, he was 6 lb. 12 oz., and 20 inches long. The nurses estimated that he would have probably been a 9 pounder had he gone to term. Here's a few more snaps for you.
Warning: Don't be upset by the IV in his head. This is a very common and stable placement in babies. They rotate this placement with the backs of their hands.

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