Friday, July 17, 2009


Angelah has been bugging me about a haircut, so I finally gave in. While I was at it, I cut Lindah's hair in the hopes that it will stay out of her way, be a little cooler, and make the transition easier as her bangs grow out.

Monday, July 13, 2009


That is my new favorite picture of Faith.

Summer in the Park

You know, when you take the kids to the park, you expect that they'll play on the equipment. Just like when you buy that great Christmas present, you expect them to play with it. Well, they play with the box, and at the park, they play in the dirt. Go figure. Here are some pics of the girls at Tilles Park on Grand Ave.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Preschool performance

Here is an old video that I haven't been able to trim until now. Faith and Lindah are both in it, but they don't do much. It's cute, though.

Friday, July 10, 2009


It's been quite some time since I have posted, mostly because my trusty Cannon ELPH bit the dust. I have just replaced it with a Sony DSC H90 that I got at a good price second hand. I am amazed at the difference a few megapixels can make! I also finally remembered to take along the video camera when we went swimming this last time, so I am including a film of the kiddos having fun at the pool.

Tom is taking a couple of classes at the U this summer, so we are very busy going back and forth to Ft. Smith for that. Also, a new group has opened in the area for Catholic homeschoolers, so we are planning activities, too. We have a picnic on Sunday at the spray park.

I have been trying to get the girls more active in learning how to keep a house, and I think that some may be finally catching on. I have been using the famous "No One Leaves the Kitchen Until It's Clean" rule, and that has made a big difference!

This afternoon I plan to pay everyone in ice cream because I have no money. And no, I don't mean that figuratively. Someone in Vietnam was able to crack our PayPal code and get access to our checking account, so we've had to freeze it while new accounts are created and everything is switched. Until then, we have to show up personally at the bank to get any money. So, I remember to get allowance money, and then remember that Aldi doesn't take credit cards, just debit cards, but my debit card is on a frozen account, so there goes the cash... What a lot of trouble one little theft creates! Our parents were right when they taught us the value of honesty. It is like a stone thrown into a pond. The ripples continue to affect others around us.

We are going to homeschool Bekah and Chyloh next year, hopefully through ARVA and the Lincoln ACE programs respectively. These are both K12 curriculum programs. I love the depth of the K12 stuff, and best of all, it's free. If they don't get in, I will have to regroup and try putting something else together.

Well, it's 3:00 and I need to get the kids their treat before it's too close to dinner, so I will try to blog again with some new pics later. Have a great summer!